Wednesday, January 1, 2020

World War One Essay - 4745 Words

Question and answer format of everything in world war 1 1. Machine guns: These weapons were first used in the American Civil War to devastating effect. But with World War One their effectiveness reached frightening new levels. Firing up to 600 bullets a minute (the equivalent of 250 men with rifles), Machine Guns were then deemed to be ‘weapons of mass destruction. Machine guns would often be grouped together to maintain a constant defensive position. 2. Artillery: These were the new and upgraded versions of cannons. Never in the history of man, where there so many cannons used in one war alone. For four years the British had been using artillery and firing 170 million shells in that time. But Germany had a plan up their sleeve. For†¦show more content†¦The basic idea of a flamethrower is to spread fire by launching burning fuel. The earliest flamethrowers date as far back as the 5th century B.C. These took the form of lengthy tubes filled with burning solids (such as coal or sulphur), and which were used in the same way as blow-guns: by blowing into one end of the tube the solid material inside would be propelled towards the operators enemies. 11. Trench Mortars: As with the grenade the mortar was yet another old weapon which found a new lease of life during World War One. A mortar is essentially a short, stumpy tube designed to fire a projectile at a steep angle (by definition higher than 45 degrees) so that it falls straight down on the enemy. From this simple description it will be immediately apparent that the mortar was ideally suited for trench warfare, hence the common application of the trench prefix. 2. What is no mans land: No Mans Land is the term used by soldiers to describe the ground between the two opposing trenches. Its width along the Western Front could vary a great deal. The average distance in most sectors was about 250 yards (230 metres). No Mans Land contained a considerable amount of barbed wire. In the areas most likely to be attacked, there were tenShow MoreRelatedWorld War One : The Great War1260 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War One, also known as the Great War, broke out across the world in August of 1914. European leaders expected it to be a short war, assuring their citizens that a resolution would occur before the start of the New Year (Stokstad). Those leaders could not have been any more wrong, because World War One lasted until November 11, 1918. The war goes down as one of the most destructive wars in all of history. An estimated ten million people lost their lives due to war efforts such as trench warfareRead MoreWorld War One Of The Great World1719 Words   |  7 PagesIt is in human’s nature to be destructive. Where we were given Earth as our home, we are also the ones who are destroying it. Choosing to extract oil from her surface for warmth, instead of using the warmth from the sun which was p rovided. 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